DEI Resources

Links and references

Types of ID Jobs (from Women in Industrial Design Chicago)

The Cost of ID (survey by Unif-ID)

IDSA members join Diversity in Design (DID)

Indigenizing Industrial Design (Interview with Brian Skeet, IDSA)

Confronting Gender Bias in Design (by Robert Grace, IDSA)

Why You Should Include Neurodiversity in DEI Efforts

Winter 2020 issue of INNOVATION

Interview with Qin Li, IDSA, Chair Emeritus

by Ti Chang, IDSA

via Women in Industrial Design Chicago

“10 New Rules of Design”

by Dr. Lesley-Ann Noel

“Opening the Doors of Design”

“Decentering Whiteness in Design History”

Winter 2020 issue of INNOVATION

Fall 2020 issue of INNOVATION

IDSA-SF: Digital Talks

Fall 2020 issue of INNOVATION

Indigenous People’s Day

IDSA-NL: Racial Barriers & Breakthroughs

Event recap via Whipsaw 

Women in ID via WIID Chicago

dscout interview with Antionette Carroll

ID Pioneers, by Eric Anderson, FIDSA

From Unif-ID: Diversity Resources for Industrial Designers 

From Marissa Louie: The Inclusion & Diversity Compendium for Designers Compiled by Louie with recommendations from dozens of diverse designers and design leaders from Expedia Group, Designers Guild, and other members of the design community

From Women Talk Design: A Reparative List for the Male-Dominated Conference: A crowd-sourced “list of designers that don’t represent the overrepresented, as recommended by their peers and admirers.”

From Rachel Cargyle, drafted by Whitney Evans: Template for Holding Your Employer Accountable for Racial Justice: A downloadable PDF template for direct and intentional communication from your employers

Organizations to support

Jacinda Walker, IDSA, is the founder of the Cleveland, OH-based nonprofit designExplorr, whose goal is to create opportunities that allow underrepresented youth to participate in design activities. Jacinda has generously provided a map of organizations in the U.S. that are already addressing the lack of diversity in design by working with underrepresented youth.

To get involved, reach out to the organization closest to you. Want to add to the map? Contact Jacinda.

Disclaimer: Other than members who may be part of the organizations listed, IDSA is not formally affiliated with these organizations and recommends that individuals conduct their own research before donating or engaging.