- 2005
Client: Van Alen Institute
The Civic Exchange is a public information installation concept for people who live, work or visit Lower Manhattan. It explores possibilities for the dissemination and exchange of local information and creates a civic space that fosters social interaction. The installation features multiple interactive screens for different purposes: a multi-user interactive map table, place-based news, events, alerts and private exchanges. A public announcement system displays local information on a large LED display. The Civic Exchange would also serve as a warning system in emergencies. A roof with solar panels provides partial and back-up power as well as shelter from the sun and rain. Integrated seating invites people to gather and interact.
“This is an excellent way to anticipate what will come to displace the standard, old, static poster in a public space–now we can have a guide that changes instantaneously, even listing intriguing events happening soon and nearby. The design team resolved the seating nicely, so that individuals or small groups can use the resource at the same time, orienting themselves either for privacy or for social exchange. Yo, Mayors! Please build ’em! -Larry Keeley, IDSA, President, Doblin Inc., Chicago
Contact: Sigi Moeslinger, IDSA,
Antenna Design New York Inc, USA,
212 2291106,
[email protected]
Credit: Antenna Design New York Inc.