- 2005
Client: Bloomberg LP
The bUNIT is a personal authentication device that allows customers to access proprietary Bloomberg services and ensures their data is protected from unauthorized access. The design manages to combine a fingerprint scanner, status screen, photo sensor and series of microchips into an ultra compact credit-card-sized package. The design is its own instruction of use, guiding a user through the authentication process via physical and onscreen cues. The aesthetic appeal of the bUNIT makes the process into something special, reserved for an exclusive, members-only community. It also deflects the sometimes negative perceptions associated with the authentication procedure and communicates to the user Bloomberg’s commitment to security and subscriber privileges, further enhancing their brand image and appreciation by their clients.
Contact: Sigi Moeslinger, IDSA,
Antenna Design New York Inc, USA,
212 2291106,
[email protected]
Credit: Antenna Design New York Inc.