Student Chapters
Student-led groups to build community and connection while studying design.

Find a Student Chapter near you
Just like IDSA’s network of Professional Chapters, Student Chapters are organized into five Districts. Currently, there are over 60 schools in North America with active IDSA Student Chapters.
IDSA Student Chapters provide rich academic and professional growth environments for students to organize around their career aspiration at colleges and universities across the United States. These localized, school-based communities create an invaluable support network for those who participate. Official IDSA Student Chapters enjoy the benefits of using IDSA’s globally recognized identity and receive operational support resources from IDSA headquarters in the fulfillment of their activities. Additionally, they are able to participate in the Society’s annual Student Merit Award (SMA) competition and other programs offered by IDSA that are built to enhance the college experience and assist in the transition to the professional workforce.
IDSA Student Members, through their involvement with Student Chapters, have the opportunity to learn new skillsets, gain visibility, and connect to a larger network of other similarly motivated individuals. The legitimacy that the IDSA Student Chapter status provides allows the participants to effectively establish solid relationships with professional designers in their area and gives the group instant credibility in the community.
What Student Chapters can offer
The value that Student Chapters provide those who participate is sometimes difficult to quantify, but often immeasurable in terms of positive impact on one’s future career. The opportunity to be a part of a Student Chapter is truly what you make of it.
Student Chapters are able to produce and host programming for other students in their area and at their school. These events can take form in many ways, from panel discussions and interactive workshops to social gatherings and community service.
Professional Development
The importance of learning from one another and from professionals while preparing for life after college can’t be understated. Student Chapters often participate in portfolio reviews, mock interviews, job fairs, and other activities that are aimed at preparing young talent for professional practice.
Connecting to other designers is one of the most powerful and tangible results of joining IDSA. Your membership makes it possible for chapters across the country to create meaningful meeting places for designers to share knowledge and make long-lasting connections. Our expansive network of designers covers the globe and instantly becomes available to you upon joining IDSA.

Start a Chapter
Interested in starting a new Student Chapter at your school? Awesome!
An IDSA Student Chapter may be established at a college or university with an industrial design degree program at the undergraduate and/or graduate levels.