- 2005
Client: GMP Wireless Medicine Inc
The LifeSync Wireless ECG System is the first electrocardiogram monitoring system to eliminate the wires and cables between patients and bedside monitors. Bluetooth technology transmits data from the electrodes to the ECG monitor. The device’s components were also designed to make them appear less threatening and more comfortable to wear on the arm. The color scheme is a friendly off-white and blue.
“Compelling, elegant design solution to integrate smart technology for the chaotic ER, an area that is badly in need of help.” -Eric Chan, IDSA, President, ECCO Design
Contact: Gabriele Bartell,
Design Continuum, USA,
[email protected]
Credit: Design Continuum; GMP Companies; Robrady Design; Motorola Energy Systems Group; Stonestreet One, Inc.; Heatlhcare Technology Group; Motorola, Inc.