- 2015
In the last year alone, the number of new micro developments in urban areas has tripled compared to the last three years (74 new high rise projects). Demographics for millennials and baby boomers are actively shifting and we are starting to see a critical mass of people desiring smaller spaces. The team designed the Micro Kitchen with those consumers in mind. The full appliance suite fits into six linear feet, all under counter. There are three, 24” modules that handle the tasks of cooking, cooling and cleaning. Designed to blend seamlessly into compact settings, the micro kitchen delivers the power of full-sized appliances in a pint-sized package. All appliances are housed in drawers including a microwave oven, conventional oven, convertible refrigerator and freezer, dishwasher and an induction cooktop. A downdraft hood and kitchen sink with disposal complete the full kitchen experience. The micro kitchen integrates into your choice of cabinetry, so the design possibilities are endless.
Designed by: Ryan Diener and Marc Hottenroth, IDSA of GE
Contact: [email protected]