- 2005
Client: Cooper Hewitt National Design Museum
Cherry Blossom was designed for the Cooper-Hewitt’s National Design Triennial to activate the Grand Staircase of the historic Carnegie Mansion and get museum visitors to use the staircase to see the upstairs galleries. The presence and movement of visitors on the staircase triggers animated cherry blossoms projected onto a two-story high semi-cylinder in the center of the staircase. When someone walks on the stairs, each step triggers the projection of a ring of swirling cherry blossoms, relative to that step, accompanied by a sound effect. The more people there are on the staircase, the more blossoms get triggered.
Contact: Sigi Moeslinger, IDSA,
Antenna Design New York Inc, USA,
212 2291106,
[email protected]
Credit: Antenna Design New York Inc.