About IDSA
We exist to strengthen the industrial design profession. Our members demonstrate the boundless impact of design within business, culture, and society.

Our Story
Founded in 1965, the Industrial Designers Society of America is one of the oldest and largest industrial design associations in existence. Our roots stretch to the beginning of the profession and our membership, past and present, represents some of the most celebrated industrial designers of all time.
As a unified body representing the field of industrial design, we work to protect the interests of our membership, the organization itself, and the professional practice of industrial design at large.

Diveristy, Equity, and Inclusion
Our value is strengthened by elevating voices from divergent backgrounds. IDSA endeavors to confront the historic lack of DEI in industrial design with meaningful action.
IDSA is primarily led by passionate volunteers who are governed through a robust system that includes the Board of Directors, committees, councils, Bylaws, policies and procedures.

We employ a top-notch, cross-functional, and diverse staff. This talented group of professionals work tirelessly alongside our volunteer leaders, day-in and day-out, to create valuable experiences for our members and community.